
YouTube Content Creator cemaxecuter Tries out Wi-Fi HaLow

Written by NEWRACOM | 2023年6月29日 下午05时45分42秒

So can someone take some off-the-shelf Wi-Fi HaLow products to create a connection across a lake? Youtube Content Creator cemaxecuter certainly had no problem in one of his latest videos.


This video shows a modified Steam Deck with DragonOS FocalX an out-of-the-box Lubuntu based x86_64 operating system built for software-defined radios. The operating system can be downloaded at This demonstration video used two Alfa Network Inc. HaLow-U devices that utilize the Newracon NRC7292 Wi-Fi HaLow chipset to connect one kilometer across a lake to the Steam Deck running DragonOS FocalX. Please take a look at this fun and insightful engineering project.